
Epsilon Immigration Services


Expressway to your Dreams


Epsilon Immigration Services

Expressway to your Dreams

Our Profile

Meet our experts who will guide and advice you every set of the way to your goal


An authorised immigration and citizenship representative is known as RCIC (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant), who are member of the CICC (College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultant). RCIC is hired by a client to review and submit their visa application on their behalf. They engage with the client and offers useful plan for their immigration choices. The assessment provides a comprehensive strategy for the client to achieve their goal. They guide the candidates through the complex immigration process, by providing valuable information and essential legal advice.

Immigration is a complicated procedure that requires a lot of documentation, form submissions, and deadlines. These are handled on the client's behalf by an RCIC, which greatly simplifies the process of applying for a visa. Authorized experts can ensure that the client's application is fully optimised and filed correctly the first time, giving the client a greater chance of success.

Faradin Hasan RCIC

Founder & CEO

Farah Tajneen

Director of Communication & Administration

K Kabir

Director of Sales & Marketing