
Epsilon Immigration Services


Expressway to your Dreams


Epsilon Immigration Services

Expressway to your Dreams

Contact Us

Epsilon Immigration Services

PHONE: (647) 766 6019
(604) 537 5146
WORKING HOURS Week Days: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm Saturday: 11:00 - 18:00 Sunday: Closed
address: 95 Vanbrugh Avenue, Toronto

Each province has their own immigration process

Each province has their own immigration process which includes a number of streams to migrate to the province. Depending on the Candidates' situation, there is aught to be a stream that would best fit their needs.


Provincial Nominee Program

Each province has their own immigration process which includes a number of streams to migrate to the province. Depending on the Candidates' situation, there is aught to be a stream that would best fit their needs.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), which was established in 1998, is the second most popular route for skilled worker immigration to Canada after Express Entry. The PNP is run by almost every province and territory in order to welcome qualified workers from all over the world and develop their local economies.

PNP could be a very good fit for individual who do not meet the Express Entry requirements or has low CRS score. The PNP requirements are usually not as high as the federal requirements and so it provides an ideal alternative for those candidates. 

Each province has their own immigration process which includes a number of streams to migrate to the province. Depending on the Candidates' situation, there is aught to be a stream that would best fit their needs.

We, at Epsilon will carry out extensive assessment to study each and every stream and strategies the best option for the individual with the highest possibility of success.