
Epsilon Immigration Services


Expressway to your Dreams


Epsilon Immigration Services

Expressway to your Dreams

Contact Us

Epsilon Immigration Services

PHONE: (647) 766 6019
(604) 537 5146
WORKING HOURS Week Days: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm Saturday: 11:00 - 18:00 Sunday: Closed
address: 95 Vanbrugh Avenue, Toronto

A visitor visa (aka a temporary resident visa) is an official document citizens from visa-required countries need to travel to  Canada. You can either be a tourist, wanting to explore the country or visit a family/friend who lives in Canada. Either way we can help you acquire a visa to travel to Canada.

A visitor record is a document that a border services officer may issue to you to extend your stay in Canada. If you want to stay in Canada for more than 6 months as a visitor, you need a visitor record. We have set a  straight forward process set to help you obtain a visitor record, if you need one.

A super visa is a multi-entry visa for parents and grandparents that provides multiple entries for a period up to 10 years. The super visa allows an individual to stay for up to 5 years at a time in Canada. This helps families to bring their parents/grandparents to Canada and live with them for 5 year in a row. This is a very good alternative to Parents/grandparents sponsorship, which may be difficult for some some families to receive, due to their situation. We can help you and your parents meet the requirements of this visa with our established system.