
Epsilon Immigration Services


Expressway to your Dreams


Epsilon Immigration Services

Expressway to your Dreams

Contact Us

Epsilon Immigration Services

PHONE: (647) 766 6019
(604) 537 5146
WORKING HOURS Week Days: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm Saturday: 11:00 - 18:00 Sunday: Closed
address: 95 Vanbrugh Avenue, Toronto

Canada offers some of the best immigration and educational opportunities in the world. Students from all over the world prefer to study in Canadian schools, colleges and universities as they are renowned for their standard of education.

Steps to Study in Canada

1) Select a program to study 

2) Apply to a Canadian DLI (designated learning institution) to accept you as a student

3) Apply for a study permit with the offer letter issued by the DLI 

You are able to work 20hr/week to support yourself and gain work experience while studying in Canada. Depending on the length of your studies you may be eligible to obtain 3 years of PGWP (Post Graduation Work Permit). This is an open work permit that allows you to work on your field of studies and gain valuable experience that can be counted toward your immigration process. Once you have acquired eligible work experience, you will be able to apply for immigration under Canadian Experience Class or Provincial Nominee Program. Federal and provincial government priorities candidates who has Canadian experience.

If you have spouse and children, they will be able to accompany you while you are studying in Canada. The Spouse will be eligible for open work permit and the chidden will be eligible for study permit.

We, at Epsilon will be there with you from the very beginning when you select your study course all the way when you receive your PR Card.