
Epsilon Immigration Services


Expressway to your Dreams


Epsilon Immigration Services

Expressway to your Dreams

Contact Us

Epsilon Immigration Services

PHONE: (647) 766 6019
(604) 537 5146
WORKING HOURS Week Days: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm Saturday: 11:00 - 18:00 Sunday: Closed
address: 95 Vanbrugh Avenue, Toronto

Canada offers many different options to work for global talents with international experience. The main two categories are:

Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and

International Mobility Program (IMP). 

The main difference is that TFWP is LMIA required program whereas the IMP is LMIA exempt. LMIA (Market Impact Assessment) is done by ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada) to see whether hiring a foreign national will have a negative impact on Canadian work force. If, there is a positive of neutral effect, then the LMIA is approved.

Although navigating Canada's work permit possibilities can be challenging, we at Epsilon, will make it as simple for you so that the transition is smooth for seamless. 

Other LMIA Exempt option are:

CUSMA - Issued under the Canada-United-States-Mexico Agreement (formerly NAFTA), allowing individual form these countries (USA and Mexico) to work without an LMIA. 

ICT (Intra-Company Transfers) - These permits will enable a business to send specific staff from its overseas locations to Canada without requiring an LMIA

Business Visitors - If certain requirements are met and they do not enter the Canadian labour market, business visitors can work in Canada without a work permit.

PGWP - International students may work in Canada for up to three years after graduating from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI).